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Title: The Venus of Willendorf


Dimensions (cm): 10.4x5.4x4


Artist: Katelin Warren


Editor:  Maryam Kamleh


Region: Europe



‘Venus/Women’ figurines are a collection of over two hundred female figurines dating back to the Paleolithic Period some 30,000-10,000 BCE. These figurines have been discovered right across Europe and all share similar features such as obese buttocks and breasts whilst having no facial features, hands or feet. The replica was made using clay rather than the oolitic limestone of the original. It was given an oolitic affect through repetitive stabbings with a pointed stick. It was then hand painted with a mix of red graphite, dirt and water in order to have a similar red-ochre colour that the original had before being cleaned too thoroughly by archaeologists.

The Venus of Willendorf

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