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Title: Tel Brak Eye Idol


Dimensions (cm): 8.2x5.6x1.5


Artist: Nadine Varga


Editor:  Don LaBarre


Region: Middle East



This anthropomorphic figurine is a replica of a Syrian Eye Idol from the Middle Uruk Period (3700-3500BCE). These idols were left as offerings at the site of Tel Brak. This replica is a copy of an original eye idol, held in the collection at the Museum of Art in New York, made to scale (5.3 x 8.9 x 1.9cm); many are smaller and thinner. Air drying clay was rolled into a slab and a needle like clay tool was used to draw and cut out the outline of the idol. The details were then gently carved into the clay while wet.

Tel Brak Eye Idol

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